I’m Doing This for You
Never Mind the Noise / Haley McGee

Haley McGee in I'm Doing This for You. Photo by Ava Markus
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A new performance by Haley McGee. Blending storytelling, live art and improvisation, this show is a big romantic gesture. He’s an aspiring stand-up comedian. Today is his birthday. The audience is her gift to him. It’s a surprise: ‘You get comedy and cake. I get to correct a mistake.’ Funny, uncomfortable and a little bit sad, I’m Doing This For You explores the extremes to which a person will go in the name of obliterating her loneliness.
Supported by Canada Council for the Arts and Ontario Arts Council.
"Fearless, raw talent"
CBC Radio
"Acutely invigorating... Sharp beyond belief... A hilarious, haunting show"
Coast, Halifax - Top 10 Plays of 2015
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